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CHANGING BEHAVIOUR Toolkit Clinic in Düsseldorf
Wednesday, 02 June 2010 16:09

gehry_turm.jpgChallenge your project ideas and our toolkit!

The first version of the ENERGY CHANGE Toolkit will be launched in September 2010. The toolkit helps you in designing, running and evaluating energy saving projects, offers tools for working more effectively and provides good examples.

We will organise a Toolkit Clinic in Düsseldorf (Germany) on October 12, 2010 to test and fine-tune the Toolkit together with users. Participants have the opportunity to use the Toolkit for a real-life project they are working on. You can thus improve your own project via this clinic! We can only invite 10-15 participants due to budget constraints. If you are interested, please read more and apply here by June 30: CHANGING BEHAVIOUR Toolkit workshop in Duesseldorf

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