Changing Behaviour is a project that aims to support change in energy use and energy services. We do so by applying social research on technological change to practical use. Our focus is on the interaction between energy experts and energy users: How can these different groups learn to understand each other better?
Changing Behaviour is an action research project. Researchers and practitioners work together to develop, test and refine tools for improved interaction that are sensitive to context, timing and the needs of different users and stakeholders.
Changing Behaviour is a European project that is funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme Energy theme (contract number: 213217). The project partners are from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK.
The CHANGING BEHAVIOUR project analyses demand side management (DSM) programmes that aim at increasing energy saving and efficiency. The aim of this glossary is to help understand the nature and extent of activities that go under the notion of energy demand management, and provide definitions for the key concepts.
Below you can find two versions of the glossary. First, there is amind mapof the key concepts that are related to the DSM programmes. By clicking the round text box, found in most of the mind map nodes, a note appears, in which you can find the relevant definition. Second, there is a pdf. file, which includes the full list of concepts defined in the glossary, including appropriate references to literature.
The glossary will develop during the CB project, and new concepts and definitions can be added. In case that you would like to give feedback on the current version, you can send your comments through email to:
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. Mindmap Glossary
The CHANGING BEHAVIOUR Tallinn workshop was a great success, attracting 37 energy efficiency practitioners from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania. A workshop report will be published in January.
Until then, you can enjoy a short film of the higlights of the workshop. The film can be viewed here at Google Video.
The competition for best energy saving practice slogan is now closed. Thanks for your input!
We will contact the winners in Autumn 2010. The winning entries will be used for a calendar and fortune cookies. Winners will receive calendars and cookies.
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