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Changing Behaviour is a project that aims to support change in energy use and energy services. We do so by applying social research on technological change to practical use. Our focus is on the interaction between energy experts and energy users: How can these different groups learn to understand each other better?

Changing Behaviour is an action research project. Researchers and practitioners work together to develop, test and refine tools for improved interaction that are sensitive to context, timing and the needs of different users and stakeholders.

Changing Behaviour is a European project that is funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme Energy theme (contract number: 213217). The project partners are from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK.
News from the US on new advances in residential PV
Monday, 07 June 2010 16:27

PV_image.pngShannon Combs, a residential photovoltaics advisor from the US recently contacted CHANGING BEHAVIOUR and sent us this interesting article:

College of Illinois Experts Provide Us Little Known Approaches to Produce More Economical PV panels

Even if silicon is actually the industry normal semiconductor in the majority of electronic devices, which includes the PV cells that photovoltaic panels use to convert sunshine into power, it is hardly the most cost-efficient product on the market. For instance, the semiconductor gallium arsenide and associated compound semiconductors give practically twice the effectiveness as silicon in solar units, but they are rarely employed in utility-scale applications because of their excessive manufacturing value.

CHANGING BEHAVIOUR Toolkit Clinic in Düsseldorf
Wednesday, 02 June 2010 16:09

gehry_turm.jpgChallenge your project ideas and our toolkit!

The first version of the ENERGY CHANGE Toolkit will be launched in September 2010. The toolkit helps you in designing, running and evaluating energy saving projects, offers tools for working more effectively and provides good examples.

We will organise a Toolkit Clinic in Düsseldorf (Germany) on October 12, 2010 to test and fine-tune the Toolkit together with users. Participants have the opportunity to use the Toolkit for a real-life project they are working on. You can thus improve your own project via this clinic! We can only invite 10-15 participants due to budget constraints. If you are interested, please read more and apply here by June 30: CHANGING BEHAVIOUR Toolkit workshop in Duesseldorf

Thesis shows energy intermediaries should 'switch on forward radar' and translate end-users' needs
Wednesday, 05 May 2010 14:18

A recent thesis written in the CHANGING BEHAVIOUR project shows how intermediary organisations can effectively promote energy efficiency. Justin Pariag's thesis, written within the MESPOM program at Central European University, is called Establishing the role and value of energy intermediaries in facilitating the development and implementation of demand-side management programmes: The potential of realizing a low-carbon future through energy efficiency. It builds on material collecting during CHANGING BEHAVIOUR workshops as well as expert interviews, and shows that intermediaries have an important role in networking, aligning and translating between providers, users and regulators.

Justin Pariag's thesis suggests ways in which intermediaries can be more effective. Most intermediaries are small organisations with thin resources. In spite of their daily struggles, they need to be future-oriented and seek new funding sources ("switch the foreward radar on"), increase their visibility and celebrate success. Intermediaries have an important role in relating to energy end-users and also doing "reciprocal translation": This means that they should not only translate policy priorities to end-users, but also work to translate and represent end-users' concerns to policy makers.

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Poll: What do You think?

What skills do energy efficiency practitioners need to improve the most?

Slogan Competition

fortune_cookies2.gifThe competition for best energy saving practice slogan is now closed. Thanks for your input!

We will contact the winners in Autumn 2010. The winning entries will be used for a calendar and fortune cookies.  Winners will receive calendars and cookies.


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