Country Profiles

Country profiles provide background information and links to relevant energy policy organizations.

Our Project Stories

Our project stories feature the experiences of our partners in the pilots.
Climate Club Godollo
Raise awareness of and find solutions for climate change in local households
Energy Academy
Training volunteers to engage, enthuse and support local residents in practical action on climate change
Latvian multi-apartment blocks
Promoting energy efficiency investments in multiapartment blocks by engaging residents and supporting joint decisions
Promoting energy efficiency investments in a residential area in Finland by engaging residents collectively
Northtown Technology Park
Changing energy use behaviour at the workplace
Power Agents
Young people are supported in becoming Power Agents who take care of their own energy consumption and spread their knowledge to their families and their surroundings.


Case Studies

Case studies demonstrate important points concerning success factors of energy change projects.


Related European Networks, Organisations, and Projects
ManagEnergy   Energy Cities   eceee   ICLEI   UBC BEHAVE   BewarE   Cowi Lietuva   CRES   Ekodoma   Energiaklub   Enespa   Green Evolution   Greendependent   LifeEvents   Kredex   M:KC   Peloton   PEPESEC   SEV   VZNRW

Target Groups

These descriptions introduce particular features of target groups and links to target-group specific content.