Target group: Schools, children, teenagers

Carbon Trust
Germany's Climate Initivative
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Information for schools.
Turn Down. Switch Off. Recycle. Walk. CHANGE
European Commission
Energy, Education, Governance and Schools. A European school panel for involving local communities in energy efficiency programs (EGS)
Research project financed under Intelligent Energy Europe programme
EGS starts from the need to involve local communities in tackling energy issues and improving energy efficiency. The main actor contributing to involve a whole community and at the same time training the younger generations is school, and more specifically high-schools.
Research project financed under Intelligent Energy Europe
The Energy Path: an e-learning platform for education of the new generations in the sustainable energy field
Research project financed under Intelligent Energy Europe
Instigating Simple Energy Efficient Behavioural Practices in Schools
YEP (Young Energy People)
Research project funded by Intelligent Energy Europe
Through an educational programme designed to teach secondary school pupils (14 – 18 years) about practical energy management skills and their application to the schools and workplaces; YEP! aimed to increase the sustainability of energy use, renewable energy sources and rational use of energy and reduce the associated carbon emissions in schools and workplaces resulting in more sustainable communities.
Young Energy Savers (YES)
Research project under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme
The two-year project has been led by animators, international environmental organizations and children from five European countries. It resulted in the creation of a cutting-edge three-part animated film, available to broadcasters from across the EU and further afield. 
Active Learning
Research project under the Intelligent Energy Europe programme
The project aim is to reduce energy use in school buildings and homes by teaching children efficient use of energy, RES and transport through hands-on and experimental activities. The project advocates that children can be important resources in their own education rather than passive receivers of information. The project developed an educational package on active learning (AL) and energy monitoring (EM) for use in primary schools.
ECO-schools: trends and divergences
Funded by the European Commission as part of the EU-COMENIUS 3 network "School Development through Environmental Education" (SEED)
This publication is a comparative research study based on information collected from 13 country reports on implicit and explicit criteria guiding Eco-schools’ development processes in whole school plans, inspired by Environmental Education values and principles.



Unabhaengiges Institut fuer Umweltfragen

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