Case Studies

Case Study Date Country Target Group
Active Learning 2006—2008 Greece Schools
Apartment buildings modernisation programme 2004—ongoing Lithuania Owners of houses, buildings or apartments
Building energy audits 2003—2008 Latvia Owners of houses, buildings or apartments
Carbonarium Association 2005—ongoing Hungary Households / consumers
CIS Co-operative insurance Society Solar Tower 2004—2006 UK Offices and SMEs
Climate Watch 2007—2008 Hungary Schools
Contracting Rommerskirchen 2000—2014 Germany Municipalities / Local communities
Eco n'Home 2006—2008 Europe Owners of houses, buildings or apartments
EcoTopTen Initiative 2005—ongoing Germany
Manufacturers / retailers
Households / consumers
Energy Expert programme 1994—ongoing Finland Households / consumers
Energy Trophy 2004—ongoing Europe Offices and SMEs
EnERLIn - Efficient Residential Lighting Initiative 2006—2008 Latvia
Manufacturers / retailers
Households / consumers
Green Energy Train in The Hague 2001—2003 The Netherlands Tenants
Green Energy Train Leidsche Rijn 2001—2003 The Netherlands Tenants
Green Office Programme 2002—ongoing Finland Offices and SMEs
Ilmari Climate Change Campaign for schools 2002—ongoing Finland Schools
KRED-EX Energy Saving Competence Centre 2005—2007 Estonia
Owners of houses, buildings or apartments
Households / consumers
Manchester is my Planet Pledge 2005—2008 UK Households / consumers
Manchester is my Planet Programme 2005—2008 UK Municipalities / Local communities
Metropolitan Police Energy Efficiency Programme 2008—ongoing UK Municipalities / Local communities
Municipal Energy Efficiency Agreements 1997—2008 Finland Municipalities / Local communities
Off. Really Off? 2000—2002 Germany
Manufacturers / retailers
Households / consumers
Samsoe 1997—2005 Denmark Municipalities / Local communities
SANIT 2005—2008 Germany Owners of houses, buildings or apartments
Social Housing Energy Efficiency Renovation 2005—ongoing Hungary Tenants
Taupukas residential awareness campaign 1998—1999 Lithuania Households / consumers
Warmzone Kirklees 2007—2010 UK
Owners of houses, buildings or apartments
Municipalities / Local communities