Active Learning

Energy Education at primary schools
Target Group: 
Attica and Crete
2006 - 2008
Full report: 
The aim of the project was to reduce energy use in school buildings and homes by teaching children efficient use of energy, RES and efficiency in transport through hands-on and experimental activities. Expected results were increased knowledge and awareness, behaviour change as well as actual energy savings in participating school buildings and in the homes of the involved children and educators. The main outcome was the development of an educational package on active learning (AL) and energy monitoring (EM) for use in primary schools. The material was replicated from European best practice experience and was adapted to national conditions. Implementation of AL and EM is estimated to have resulted in 10-14% energy savings where applied.
The project mapped relevant energy curricula and identified, tested and evaluated possible strategies for wide integration of AL and EM activities. The aim was to pave the way for integration of AL and EM with the national energy curricula so as to ensure self-supportive and long-term effects. Involvement of school authorities on a high level was ensured through Letters of Intent. Also the establishment of national and international networks among energy and school actors ensured lasting impacts. Close cooperation and coordination with Kids Corner/ManagEnergy and existing networks also ensured widespread dissemination of the educational material and experiences made.
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