

Active collection of feedback
Assess your project's flexibility
Define goals and manage external demands
End-of-project reflection
How to do a brainstorming session about timing
How to motivate with feedback
Mid-project self-evaluation
Opportunities and obstacles in your context
Problem tree
Reflective table for evaluating and improving
Strategic assessment of partnerships
Tailor your instruments to context
Testing your project plans
Tools for engaging the community
Tools for influencing efficiency investments
Tools for influencing routine behaviours
Tools for small-scale research
Visualize your stakeholders
What do you know about your target group?
Tools for influencing routine behaviours
Build on moments of change
Create awareness of habits
Emotional appeals for changing habits
Feedback for changing habits
Rational appeals for changing habits
Use commitment to goals
Use competitions
Use prompts and change the users' environment
Tools for influencing efficiency investments
Emotional appeals for efficiency investments
Provide transparent and understandable information
Rational appeals for efficiency investments
Support and services for efficiency investments
Trust and confidence for efficiency investments
Tailor your instruments to context
Energy advice: how to tailor it to context?
Energy audits: how to tailor to context?
Financial support and services: how to adapt to context?
Information and education campaigns: how to tailor to context?
Metering and feedback: how to tailor to context?
Voluntary programmes: how to adapt to context?
Tools for engaging the community
Engage stakeholders
Engage through fun activities
Make sure everyone 'does their bit'
Use peer-to-peer communications
Use social support and social pressure
Tools for small-scale research
How to do an interview?
How to do field observations?
How to make a small survey study?
How to organize a focus group discussion?
How to use existing knowledge?