Step 14: Develop a learning culture

iStock_000007832203XSmall.jpgPreparing, designing and implementing a project involves a learning process. In each project you face new challenges. Although learning may seem self-evident, this is not always the case. You can enhance your ability to learn how to do things better, and you can also learn why the things you do work or fail to work.

It is difficult to reserve time for reflecting on what you have learned, as you are often very busy and involved in multiple tasks. However, we urge you to free some time and allow yourself to sit back for a moment and think and talk about your project together with your colleagues.

Thinking about what you have learned while your project is ongoing can help you to make improvements. Reflecting on lessons learned after completing a project can help you find out how to enhance the way your organisation works, and how it could become more powerful in promoting systemic change.

Key Instructions: 

Take time to reflect on your project and discuss with your colleagues on major lessons so far. Do this regularly during the project (for example, at important milestones). Take time to reflect after the project ends - before you start planning the next one!

1. Make sure you have all available evaluation results at hand.

2. Use our Tool: Mid-project self-evaluation to brainstorm with your colleagues during your project.

3. Check out our Tool: End-of-project reflection questions  for a final brainstorming session.

4. Use this information for continual improvement.