
Ten recommendations for policy makers

CHANGING BEHAVIOUR has completed its work. Our main output is the Make Energy Change Happen toolkit: We have also developed 10 recommendations for policy makers. They show how policy makers can support energy efficiency through behavioural change e.g., by ensuring continuity, supporting intermediaries, combining interventions and addressing technical, economic and social issues at the same time. Read our Recommendations for Policy Makers in various European languages.

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CHANGING BEHAVIOUR Newsletter 2/2010

This is our last newsletter: CHANGING BEHAVIOUR ends at the end of this year. We are sad to say goodbye, but hope to keep in touch! Newsletter_CHANGING_BEHAVIOUR_issue6 (3.26 MB) The main product of CHANGING BEHAVIOUR, the Make Energy Change Happen (MECHanisms) toolkit, is now available. The newsletter tells you more about MECHanisms, as well as some of the projects in which it was used and developed.

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Make Energy Change Happen in 2011

Last summer, CHANGING BEHAVIOUR hosted a competition for slogans, maxims, sayings and ‘bons mots’ that reflect the best insights in an emerging culture of energy saving practice. Our jury picked the 12 best slogans, which are: The sure way to predict the future is to invent it. One good action repeated a million times creates global change. Energy efficiency is a journey, not a destination. Less energy consumed today, more resources left for our children!

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Ruth Mourik from ECN has been taking CHANGING BEHAVIOUR on a grand tour of New Zealand. She gave presentations at the Kordia Innovation Engine in Auckland, at an energy behaviour workshop organized by EECA and for the Energy Industry Round Table in Wellington as well as at the Technical University in Auckland. CHANGING BEHAVIOUR has had a longstanding co-operation with EECA, the New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority and we also received valuable feedback from EECA staff for the development of the MECHanisms toolkit.

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MECHanisms finalised after feedback from experts

The first public version of MECHanisms, the Make Energy Change Happen toolkit is now publicly available! For this final version, we received valuable feedback from a group of expert users - companies, NGOs and public agencies promoting energy efficiency and conservation - at our Toolkit Clinic in Duesseldorf, October 12th. Twelve people from seven different countries tested MECHanisms on their own projects gave us comments on the necessary finishing touches. Overall, they found MECHanisms useful for their work and felt it gave them good ideas.

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New articles address learning and intermediaries

Two new papers by ECN members of the CHANGING BEHAVIOUR team address learning and the role of intermediaries. Julia Backhaus' paper Intermediaries as Innovating Actors in the Transition to a Sustainable Energy System, published in Central European Journal of Public Policy, examines how research and policy can support intermediaries in their valuable but often unappreciated work to reduce energy demand. Backhaus and colleagues have also examined the role of tools vs.

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Meet us at ERSCP/EMSU 2010 in Delft

We are presenting a number of papers and posters at the ERSCP/ESMU 2010 conference in Delft, the Netherlands, October 25-29, 2010. The title of the conference is Knowledge Collaboration for Sustainable Development. It is organized jointly by two organizations, European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) and Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU). The conference will be held simultaneously in Delft and Cape Town, South Africa. You can read more and register here: http://www.

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Newsletter 1/2010

Our fifth Newsletter just came out! Highlights include: Make Energy Change Happen Toolkit Power Agents pilot project - kids as energy detectives Special session at Berlin Energy Days Recommendations for energy efficiency policy makers Our rating of expert advice on how to change efficiency behaviours and engage communities New thesis on how interemediaries can translate end-users' concerns We hope you enjoy our Newsletter, and have a nice and relaxing summer!

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News from the US on new advances in residential PV

Shannon Combs, a residential photovoltaics advisor from the US recently contacted CHANGING BEHAVIOUR and sent us this interesting article: College of Illinois Experts Provide Us Little Known Approaches to Produce More Economical PV panels Even if silicon is actually the industry normal semiconductor in the majority of electronic devices, which includes the PV cells that photovoltaic panels use to convert sunshine into power, it is hardly the most cost-efficient product on the market.

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CHANGING BEHAVIOUR Toolkit Clinic in Düsseldorf

Challenge your project ideas and our toolkit!The first version of the ENERGY CHANGE Toolkit will be launched in September 2010. The toolkit helps you in designing, running and evaluating energy saving projects, offers tools for working more effectively and provides good examples. We will organise a Toolkit Clinic in Düsseldorf (Germany) on October 12, 2010 to test and fine-tune the Toolkit together with users. Participants have the opportunity to use the Toolkit for a real-life project they are working on.

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